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UNDERGROUND INSTITUTE XX LAUNCH at Kesselhaus & Maschinenhaus (Kulturbrauerei), BERLIN, DE


The Underground Institute is an international booking agency and platform for culture curated by Mary Ocher, featuring an array of innovative, challenging artists who often defy the boundaries of genre. The UI aims to connect art/music scenes worldwide who value somewhat difficult, but intriguing music.

The UI represents sound veterans like Limpe Fuchs and Martin Rev (of Suicide), exciting newcomers Gloria de Oliveira and Rasha Nahas, avant-garde pop artists Ofrin and Jemek Jemowit, sound explorers Les Trucs, Heidi Mortenson and Audrey Chen and many more.

Join us for a UI night with live performances by LES TRUCS, YA TOSIBA and AUDREY CHEN, and DJ sets by Mary Ocher and Gloria de Oliveira.